Tuesday, January 30, 2007

[Networking] Figure

The figure illustrated is very unusual to believe because all departments of business should not be so alienated from each other. All departments should have more connections than shown in the diagram. Each have to be connected in order to perfectly match their assignment or goal that was expected of them to complete.


Ich bin Berliner said...

I think the lack of interconnectedness within businesses is part of the problem with formal networks and organization charts. It's the informal networks that get all the work done. If the business is so compartmentalized that each department can't have an informal connection with another department, then they will have problems. By having connections outside of the formal network, the business will be able to perform their work better.

leibneritec said...

i agree with george contact to the outside the network make a business succesful...a company needs to look outside for more resources they might not have