Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Hurray for TOM KYTE!!!

Last week in ITEC-333 we were introduced to a very intriguing individual who works for Oracle.

When I first walked into class I thought "Oh no, not another boring guest speaker," but surprisingly enough Tom did a great job in being very informational without being boring. The thing that I liked most about him was that he had stories for just about anything he had mentioned during his presentation. And they were all good ones too.

Tom also made me realize that a lot can be accomplished through Blogging, in specific- finding a best-friend. He talked about how some of his most closest friends are people in which he bloggs with and at one point I also believe he had said that the majority were in Australia. ***Correct me if I'm wrong***

He showed us how popular and well known he became by blogging as a hobby through the company. The blogg which the company has named after him was not his job, but his hobby.
I particularly found it funny when he mentioned how some people didn't think Tom was a real person and that it was all a marketing stunt compiled by Oracle.

Tom is AwEsOmE!!!!

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