Tuesday, April 17, 2007

R.I.P. to the lost ones...This one's for you Sintia!!!

I am going to piggy back on Jordan's approach on today's blog.

A little over two months ago I lost a loved one. It all started thinking that she was just going to a salon and then a meeting at work. Come to find out she never made it to the meeting. So everyone started to worry. Sunday morning it was confirmed that Sintia Mesa was missing.

The bulletins on myspace.com helped me and the family get the information out to everyone
and anyone about Sintia. Within the hour I was reaching out to people I didn't even know with
the help of those that I knew. Everyone was helping us find her within three hours. Friends of
friends of friends were posting information about her and getting the information out to all those
they knew. Information about her has shown up on the nightly news that same night.

With the news out on watch as well as everyone on facebook and myspace keeping a look out
we had a community of people helping us.

Monday night we received the bad news that she had been found in the trunk of her car in an
apartment complex in Baltimore city. Her cause of death had been found as asphyxiation A
couple days later at her funeral more than five hundred people showed up, from friends and
family to coworkers and sorors. News spread so quick so fast thanks to those internet
networking tools.

******************************Virginia Tech******************************
Without networking and such things as myspace, television news and radio, people would have
a much harder time finding information and knowing what's going on around them.
Today and yesterday there was a moment of silence dedicated to the lost ones at Virginia
Tech. It is horrible and terrible to even begin to think why someone would do such a malicious
thing to others, having to leave the families of those individuals in sorrow. The pain inflicted on
the loved ones of those who were massacred is a pain no one should ever have to endure. Losing
someone is bad enough, but losing them as a result of someone else's selfishness is even worse
because they are taken from us before their time.

********************LETS HAVE A MOMENT OF SILENCE******************


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