Wednesday, April 25, 2007

PEN and PAPER are a thing of the PAST!!! TAKE UP the class ITEC333: SOCIAL NETWORKING

Social Networking this semester has been awesome!!!

Instead of picking up a pen or pencil we picked up our hands and fingers and placed them on the keyboards to write about technology. I mean I think soon enough people are going to give up paper and pen for good and communicate everything through the computer.

Before this class I didn't know too much about blogging, although I did blog once on myspace about bitter relationships. This social networking class has helped me develop my blogging skills; from being able to articulate a bit better through blogs and actually understanding how blogs work. The class also allowed me to explore what my fellow classmates had to say about particular topics we discussed or were going to discuss in class. I see blogging as a technology communication with debate characteristics. Because when you write a blog you are stating what you think and people can either agree or disagree and when they disagree then it can turn into a back and forth thing if people want.

Alongside all of that the professor(shout-out to Prof. Melander, one of the two professors that provoked me to specialize in ITEC) is also great. Not once did I feel like I was wasting my time in that class keeping in mind that it was a BLOCK class on WEDNESDAYS!!! She always had my attention, especially with the lateral puzzles in the beginning of class.

With what I have learned in this class it has allowed me to develop blogging skills which I will need later on when I develop my own business and/or when I work in the ITEC field.

P.S. The discussions are really stimulating.....


leibneritec said...

Blogging lets me see what you thought about this class..just agreeing with your post this class is amazing...Professor melander is great

管理者 said...

I agree. Before this semester began, I don't even imagine that I will post blog every week. Now I'm used to this habit and I can even earn little bit of money. It is great! In addition, many tools I experienced in this class was great, too. Especially, I used Google Docs for the group project in other ITEC class, and it helped us a lot.
Thank you Professor Melander!

majid said...

Samething for me. Honestly, I never blogged before and I had 0 ideas about blogging before taking this class. Sometimes I realy enjoy blogging and comenting and other times I don't.

I used to like forum and write a lot on them ( not in English so please don't ask for the links :) ) but then I got bored and never wrote again. I also think focus blogging is really helpfull. I mean if I focus in only one subject I might do ok blogging

leibneritec said...

I agree blogging is never something i thought about till this clas...This class showed me so much

Anonymous said...

I agree as well... I really think that blogging helps you think about the reading and stuff... this class in particular has really helped me actually take a look at whats available on the web.